Ali Rishab shares: “My speech impediment creates barriers to advancing in my career”

Today we share the story of Ali Rishab, who is sharing his journey with us below.

Hi Everyone

My name is Ali Rishab from Sri Lanka. I am 48 years old, married and with three kids. Professionally, I am an accountant, currently living in Dubai. I stutter since my childhood.

Childhood and Student Life

During my childhood, I did not feel any impact related to stutter, but I remember my parents and relatives worried about that. Unfortunately, they did not go for any medical treatment due to lack of knowledge.

When I started school life, I suffered lot. Most of the students teased me and therefore I had only few friends. I could not participate in any stage events due to my stutter and purposely I was avoided by the teachers. Nevertheless, I performed well in my education and other activities like writing short stories and poems. I finished my 13 years of school life with the best grades in all subjects and attended university as well.

During my university time, I did not suffer much because of stuttering because at this age most of the students were matured, differently from school students. In addition, fortunately I had a few true friends who motivated me and helped me recover.

Professional Life

I attended my first interview to join the Sri Lanka Air force with several dreams. But unfortunately, I was rejected due to my stammering. That was the first shock and failure in my life. However, I continued my job hunt and a few months later I got a job as a Junior Executive at a five-star hotel located in Colombo. I worked there with many difficulties, including:

  1. I was an employee from Minority Community.
  2. I was an employee with a communication disability.

Above both factors, which greatly affected my career in that place, I could not enjoy a healthy working environment. I worked almost three years in this position and decided to move to another country. Accordingly, I joined the Saad Specialist Hospital (SSH), in Saudi Arabia, as an Accountant and fortunately I had a healthy work environment and worked with colleagues from over 30 nationalities. I spent almost 10 years with SSH and after that I worked for several companies in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE. I would like to point out that during my life as an expat, I did not face much isolation or discrimination but sometimes it did happen that some people teased me because they are immature. Despite that, I continue my journey and am currently a Senior Accountant/ Internal Auditor.

Even though I am happy with the present situation, my speech impediment creates barriers to advancing in my career.

My bitter experience with some immature individuals in Sri Lanka during the beginning of my career has led me to avoid working there.

Family Life- Before Marriage

A few times my siblings teased me when I was young but not as often. My parents worried about my disability but, unfortunately, they did not have enough knowledge and guidance to go for proper treatments. They did some religious rites but that didn’t help me with my speech. After I grew-up, they gave up their efforts and, in the meantime, I got used to my disability.

I would like to thank my parents because they did not show any difference between me and my siblings and I did not experience any discrimination from my parents. GOD BLESSED THEM.

Family Life- After Marriage

In our culture, we have two types of marriage. First is love marriage and second is arranged marriage. My marriage was a love marriage. Before getting married, we had a close relationship for almost 10 years. During this period, she (my wife) did not realize that I stutter. Not sure why and how. In 1999, we got married and after marriage she recognized that I stutter. She worried much and for two years she hesitated to introduce me her relatives and friends but now she understands, treats me very well and respects my speech disorder.

I have three kids. Two girls and one boy and all in school. My daughter is 19 years old, my son is 17 years old and my youngest daughter is 12 years old.

I am very much proud to say that I never experienced any isolation or discrimination from my kids. They never hesitate to introduce me as their father among their friends.


Finally, I would like to say that now I am not worried about what I cannot get and what I cannot reach. I accepted that I have difficulties in oral communication. Fortunately, I perform my work very well and I have developed my skills in technical writings, data analysis and research projects. I am enjoying the moment. GOD IS GREAT.

Thank you.

Ali Rishab

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